Friday, February 16, 2018

Old is 106 – Pace Yourself – If you need a goal, shoot for being featured on the Today Show’s Smucker’s Birthday label

My father, Everette, age 83, was in the Aurora Hospital in Two Rivers, Wisconsin dealing with health complications relating to his Parkinson's disease. It was the first week of November, 2001. I’d traveled from Virginia to see him.

My mother Helen, then 77, told me how, in her 20s-30s, she'd read obituaries in the newspaper where people in their 50s and 60s had died. Back then she felt these people were old and “had led a good long life”.

I responded with something like this, "Old is 106; people aren't ready to go and families aren't ready to let them go, even if they want to go."

"That's right," said the nurse who was in the room and had heard our conversation, “old is 106”. In the years since then this has been confirmed by my doctor, chiropractor and cardiologist.
This culture judges age harshly, giving you black balloons on the 30th, 40th and 50th birthdays, if your life is over because you are old. Actually, once beyond those years life usually gets better. Having survived a lot, over reaction is rare. People have taken care of themselves, so looks really can't tell how old a person is.

The Smucker’s label birthday celebration goal came from my personal planning course, "Plan-Do: Defining and Achieving Your Life Goals” that I first taught in 1988. It included an exercise for people to consider their lives on a 100 year Life Perspective Chart, beginning with their birth date. 

Then, Willard Scott, the NBC Today Show weather man, would celebrate the birthday of a long lived person with their picture on the label of a Smucker’s jar. As the daily recognition went on, the clear trend was for people honored to be 100 or older. Al Roker continues the tradition and you can apply.

Relative to goal setting, the future may be limited if you don’t expect to live a long time. By giving yourself a longer runway for the future, there is time to learn or do those things you might have missed early in life. If you want to learn the piano, at age 50, you still have 50 years to do so. You have more time to work on that Elvis impersonation.

Reaching 106 just means you've made it to being old, it isn't a point to keel over. If there's a lot of competition on your birthday, you may have to go to 110 or more to get on the label.  Having paced yourself to get to 106, you may coast a bit. A woman recently told me her goal was 120 years. No problem, it is your goal.

No matter how long you go, just don’t be the person who says, “If I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.”

My father made it to February 23, 2002, a week past his 84th birthday. Flu was the culprit. My mother almost made it to December 6, 2022, her 98 birthday, passing September 18. She survived two heart attacks in 2017. For many years, my sisters and I thought she would outlive us. In her assisted living facility, three women were 100 or older..

Since 2001 I’ve used "old is 106" as my “good news,” the Gospel of Tom, to reframe old age. Finding  Smucker’s label template online, I began wishing people a Happy 110th  Birthday from the Future, posting it to Facebook or sending them a print in a card. Doing this for others took time, so I made the generic image above, using my Aunt El doing her Elvis impersonation. Because I could only show it on my phone, I made a business card that I could hand out.
Getting there, much #DivineDisorder will be experienced. Being able to recognize the Divine in the disorder is a key means of making it as far as one can.

The Smucker’s label can be used to honor people. 

You can make your own template in PowerPoint along the lines of this example:

Do spread the good news: Old is 106. Pace yourself. Persist through Divine disorder.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Divine Disorder Self-Help ~ Plan-Do: Defining and Achieving Your Life Goals

Christmas, 1947
At an early age I wanted to know why I was born? That day, October 16, 1946 was nine months and four days after my parents’ marriage, January 12, 1946. Was there a purpose, a destiny, a plan? A year later, November 14, 1947, I was joined by my sister. Being a more practical soul, she didn’t have these questions, nor did my parents. 

Like many, the search began at a very young age. I attended the Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. We had belonged to St. Johns church, but my father moved us to this new, smaller church, because, for one thing, it allowed participation in the Boy Scouts.

I loved Sunday school. When told the story of Jesus staying behind to "be in my Father's House", at age six or so, that made all the sense in the world to me. That was 65 years ago.

Intending to be a writer and film maker, keeping a journal was encouraged by teachers and professors. Having done so, there is a long record. For decades I’ve had an urge to share the journey, having done some of that with the Steps to Knowledge blog. The goal is that perhaps some will get confirmation of challenges and some opportunity to learn from my experiences navigation within Divine Disorder.

The writing I ended up doing was related to my work as a regional planner. Reading Alvin Toffler’s “Future Shock” in 1970, I learned of city planning and was able to begin graduate studies a few months later. The availability of that was a high level synchronicity. It seemed it would be a good topic for film-making. Though it really used my communications skills, no films have come of it yet.

My first full time job was as a Human Resources Planner for the Lord Fairfax Planning District Commission in Front Royal, Virginia. The work was challenging, utilizing many of my skills and abilities, but the pay wasn’t great, so I began to consider other careers. In the process I developed a personal planning process that I taught. I’m setting it out here at the start of this blog in order that it be of some use to others. One thing I did rediscover in the exercises was the importance of spirituality in my life.

After twenty years, it led me to study of Greater Community Spirituality where I learned of the Great Plan of God. One's place in the plan may be discerned over time with practice of the Steps to Knowledge.

My planning process had helped me make my way through the disorder of life on earth and recognize the Divine in it. So I say, for self-help, follow a planning process, make a plan, review and follow it, being alert for guidance.

Using the exercises that follow, you create the opportunity for your own plan to emerge from your heart and consciously record it, setting practical goals that will help you navigate the world.

Plan-Do: Defining and Achieving Your Life Goals

 by Tom (Thomas J.) Christoffel

Copyright 1988, Revised 1990, 2003, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2017
Reproduce freely with attribution.


In 1978, at age 32, I was frustrated. In spite of family, home and career, I didn't know where my life was going. Although I'd worked as a planner for seven years, as I looked for relief in a new career, I found I didn't have any life goals. The planner had no plan. Beginning with a simple 3" x 5" index card I remedied that and over a period of seven years developed an efficient, yet simple, personal plan.

To do so I didn't have to invent goals, but found that unconsciously they'd always been part of my life. I only needed to uncover them, write them down as goals and realistically work to achieve them in small steps. The exercises in this three part workbook will help you uncover your personal plan and develop your own personal planning process. Wherever you are now is on the path to your life goals.

In the 2003 update I incorporated use of word processing computer programs to simplify the writing piece, but the thinking part is more important. This is a start up to getting your plan – establishing your goals. What works for you will be the deciding factor.

Plan-Do: Part I ‑ Where am I now?

Part I ‑ Where am I now?

Exercise #1:  We all have many things to do. We can be overwhelmed by obligations. Think about all the things you need to get done. Then on a 3 X 5 index card write down just five important things you want to have done in the next six months. Put the date of six months from today at the top. Each must be something that could be completed. It may be big or small in terms of time and resources, but must be important to you. Only spend five minutes. Keep this card and review it regularly. Make a new one in six months. You could put this list in a text document on your PC or smart phone, but just try the index card. You may already have a long list in a scheduling program. It is simple.


Now you have some goals. Goals are the focus of a plan. Are your goals objective or subjective?

Objective Goal ‑ One whose completion can be quantified or measured in some way. You want to go somewhere, do something, purchase a certain item, earn a certain amount of money. How do you feel when you achieve an objective goal?  Good!  You have a sense of accomplishment which encourages you to tackle other and perhaps more difficult objectives. We will refer to objective goals as "objectives."

Subjective Goal ‑ One whose determination of progress or completion is based on your judgment. It might deal with a relationship, an emotional state or sense of security. Subjective goals are at a higher level than objective goals since they represent the outcome of your life. They cover a broader view and are more open ended in terms of completion. They are accomplished over a longer term and are more complex, often the result of completion of many objectives. Depending upon your perception of time, a goal might be accomplished in the short or long term, one to five days, weeks or months. The time frame for goals in a personal plan are measured in terms of the life time, or even beyond it. In the sense of your life spanning many years. Collectively your subjective goals are your personal vision and form the basis for your personal plan, your "life goals."

Strategy ‑ A plan of action to work within your environment to accomplish your objectives and therefore move toward accomplishing your life goals.

Manager ‑ A manager's job is to get results from the resources of an enterprise. In business, results are objective ‑ units sold, dollars earned, etc. A good manager knows what the goals are and what resources the enterprise has. If it needs more resources to grow, the manager works to get them. Planning is used to find ways to get better results from resources and achieve the goals. Likewise, as manager of your life enterprise, you can get better results by planning.

Planner ‑ One who plans. By education and occupation, that's what I am. Planning is in fact a part of all activities we undertake so we are all planners. To have no plan is a plan, since you have decided to let the world make decisions for you. Just take a moment and acknowledge yourself as a planner.

Futurist ‑ One who has a vision of the future. You have goals from exercise #1 which represent events to happen in the future. You can picture them happening, therefore you are a futurist. All futurists are self‑appointed. Take a second and appoint yourself as a futurist.

Plan ‑ The written document, dated in time, which will serve as a reference for your growth and change for the future. A plan properly used will improve your self management. If you have nothing to manage:  time, money, or resources ‑ you have no need to plan. Plans can be single purpose or comprehensive. What we seek in our life plan is something that is comprehensive. My view is that God is the only comprehensive planner, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

Do ‑ The implementation of your plan. If you are doing, you will be accomplishing some of your objectives and making movement toward your life goals. This generally leads to satisfaction. It is easier to plan than to do. We can envision a great life (we did as children), but accomplishing a vision takes focus, for without planning and control, without building a resource base, we are just dreaming.

Priority ‑ A ranking process that determines what comes first, second and third among multiple goals. It is how you decide to focus and is an ongoing juggling process. Some people are really focused and can therefore achieve in their area of focus. Balance, as in anything, is important.

Evaluation ‑ The planning process has a feedback loop, like communications. Personal planning is a communication process with yourself. This is the process of judging your results against your objectives and life goals. Plans should be reviewed often. Check the life goals and objectives to see if they still fit. Take the feedback the world has given you and incorporate it in your plan. Because you have power over your plan, you can amend it anytime.

Analysis ‑ The planning process begins with a look at what is. To plan for yourself you need to know who you are; what are your skills and abilities; what are your resources. Instead of just going with the flow, try to find your flow. To continue this process there are a few more exercises.

Exercise #2:  "I am ______."

I found this in Working Smart by Michael LeBoeuf. Take ten index cards and write "I am a(n) __________________ on each one. Work rapidly and don't censor any idea that comes to mind. Use more than ten if you wish. When you are done, read them over and set them out in order of importance. Then number them one through ten.

Then write on the back of each card:  "This 'I am' is first because __________________."  Go on and finish the rest. Date the cards and save them.

Exercise #3:  "I am" mind map.

The mind map is a technique to give an externalized map‑picture of thoughts you might have on any subject. I first learned about mind mapping in The Brain User's Guide by Tony Buzan, a pioneer of the technique. The following are guidelines for mind mapping which I've compiled over the years from various sources.

* Mapping materials:  blank paper ‑ the bigger, the better (to get 11 inch x 17 inch large copy paper size, tape two 8 ½ x 11 inch sheets of standard printer paper together on the backside); pens, pencils and markers of varied texture and color; a mind and a thought to explore ‑ to map out the boundaries of. No artistic skills are required ‑ the words and symbols need only have meaning for you. The result may, on occasion, be somewhat pleasing to the eye of the mapper.

* Begin with an image and/or word in the center of paper or wherever you think it should start on the page.

* Build out from the central thought with connected lines like branches on a tree.

* Use key words or short phrases to explain branches.

* In addition uses sketches, symbols, codes, numbers, pictures ‑ whatever.

* Use color ‑ you may select a marker for a subject because it matches/contrasts with the mood of thoughts/ideas.

* For emphasis or to show relationships ‑ consider arrows, boxes, underlines and anything else you can think of.

* When the map seems complete ‑ consider enclosing areas with circles or boxes to focus thoughts.

* Date the map so that when you return to it you'll have a benchmark. Later additions may be dated ‑ it’s your map.

* If it doesn't seem to be working ‑ start over. Use the map to be spontaneous. Give yourself a time limit ‑ 5 or 10 minutes ‑ for a quick exploration.

* Don't let any of the above ideas limit your map.

        Now it’s time to mind map your life. A blank sheet of paper is needed. In the center, or at some place on the sheet, draw a picture or a symbol which represents you. Then, give details about yourself in each of these areas:  background; strengths/weaknesses; hobbies; accomplishments/ failures; likes/dislikes; physical self‑description; family; beliefs; and areas of greatest knowledge/ignorance, using simple drawings, key words and lists, using different colors as matches the subject and your feelings in response to it.

Need more, check these links:

Buzan Centers -

Mindjet Company -

Peter Russell – How to mind map -

Exercise #4:  TO DO LIST ‑ make a comprehensive list of all the things you have to do now and into the future. Establish categories such are work, home, finance, people, travel, etc.

Plan-Do: Part II ‑ What is my ideal future?

Part II ‑ What is my ideal future?

Exercise #5:  I am cards ‑ step II.

Look at the "I am cards" from exercise #3 and answer these questions:

1. What do these cards tell you about this person?
2. What things are most important to him/her?
3. What types of things would this person enjoy doing with his/her life that you are not doing?
4. How would you recommend that this person spend his/her life if there were only six months to live?

Exercise #6:  Ideal Future ‑ Heart Map

Now imagine that all resources are unlimited ‑ time, energy, money and that you can do anything that you wish. On another large sheet of blank paper, begin with an image in the center of the paper that pictures for you the essence of your ideal future. Then do the "mind" mapping process from your heart of hearts, again using colors, pictures and symbols to express your ideas. Include all hobbies and dreams; any and all secret desires.

Exercise #7:  Life Perspective Chart

The following chart shows a life span of 0 to 100 years. Old, for the sake of discussion, is 106. No matter what goals you might have, there is a lot of potential time to achieve them. This example shows a few of the key points in my life within certain categories. The average life expectancies, as of 1987, were for men and women, ages 70.11 and 77.62 years respectively, as shown. 

That has increased and your own, based on your year of birth can be found on-line Your goal may be to exceed the average. You might include the age lines for the longest‑lived person in your family.

Following this is a worksheet image which you can copy and enlarge to print and use to record key events and periods to map your own development. There may be pre-birth experiences that affected your life. 

Categories are up to you, so change any label that doesn’t fit. It may take a while to fill this out. Events may come to mind later and may be added. As you look at the sheet, what does it show you about the flow of your life?

 Exercise #8:  Pieces of the Whole

Take your three major information sources ‑ the to do list, the I am mind map and the ideal future mind map and categorize the things you find on each into no more than seven subject areas. Use the "I am cards" as a second source for the mind map column and the answers to exercise #5 with the ideal future mind map. To get everything to fit, you may need to combine some categories. Do so with whatever logic makes sense to you. Using your own terms is important.

Exercise #9 ‑ Integration

Now envision the wholeness of your life as a circle. Today it is a certain size encompassing your life. In the past it was smaller and in the future it will be bigger. We are going to divide that circle, your wholeness, into slices of your life, like a pie. You are limited, however, to no more than seven slices. Why?

Based on brain and management studies, the maximum span of control for issues has been determined to be seven. Seven in a biblical sense means "completion."  Working with fewer issues is often better. Look at the three lists of no more than seven categories above and consolidate across them for a single list of seven that covers the range of subjects you find there. You may use a word or a phrase to describe these divisions:

You are a whole person and these pieces then cover comprehensively the wholeness that your life is now and that for which you strive. Is there anything missing?  If so go back and work it into a category.

Plan-Do: Part III ‑ Your personal comprehensive plan.

Part III ‑ Your personal comprehensive plan.

Exercise #10:  The Framework

For each slice of life, use the "GOAL" sheet which follows or make your own in a document or spreadsheet. This is an image which can be copied and enlarged to fit a single page and be printed.

In the top space, use the category name and write a sentence explaining what it means to you. Draw or insert an image which represents to you this part of your life, as it is or as you wish it to become. Then go to your index card from exercise #1, or your "to do list" from exercise #4, and put those goals on each goal sheet. Use the day's date for the "IN" column. In the future you'll use the "OUT" column to record its accomplishment. A continuation sheet image is at the end.

The ideal future mind map will also be a source. You may list both objective and subjective goals. Remember, objective goals are important to measure movement. Where possible, list a date by which you would like each goal to be accomplished. You can make additional sheets with regular three ring notebook paper.

Now you have goals, both subjective and objective, but in order to "do" effectively, you must set priorities and determine strategies for accomplishing your goals.

Exercise #11:  Elements of the written Personal Comprehensive Plan

Planning is a process and although goals may change over time they should be stated. A plan does not limit you, so "serendipity" and "intuition" are needed. The environment can change radically for better or worse and you must be able to respond to new opportunities. The basic work has established your goals and objectives.

Priorities:  For the life goals and objectives you should establish priorities, indicating the relative importance among each. There will be some cross competition between objectives when you are pursuing more than one goal. Rank your goal sheets from first to seventh. You may wish to get tab sheets and number or color code them. Put them in a three ring binder. The eighth index section can serve ‑ front or back ‑ for the compiled plan.

Strategies:  To accomplish your goals it is likely that you will have to become more efficient, since you've listed way many more things than you can accomplish. Strategic thinking is the action portion of the plan. You can analyze these things in writing or just work them out in your head. The goals you have now are still lists and not a plan.

Now write your plan, begin with:

I. Life Goal Categories. This lists the big seven with an explanation of what is covered and its relation to your life. Prioritize them, putting the most important first.

II. Goals by category ‑ subdivided into:

    Long Term ‑ list those things that will require more than a year to achieve.

    Annual ‑ list those things that you want to accomplish in the next 12 months. It is useful to begin the annual process on the calendar, birthday or fiscal year basis. You can make a statement about the year indicating your expectations for it. This should be a positive affirmation. These are your current priorities. A sample outline follows. If possible, put this on word processing so it is easier to shift things around and keep current.

A Personal Plan

A statement of philosophy, principles or other ideas which reflects your overall approach to life and meeting the goals in your life.

I. Life goal categories and statements:
    1. ABC in order to xyz.
    2. DEF

II. Goals ‑ Long term objectives and life goals by category with decade, year or other measure of when to be accomplished by.
1. ABC
   a. Achieve X by 20__
   b. Go to Y by 20__
   c. Have Z by 20__
2. DEF
   a. U in 2017
   b. Visit V for Christmas 20__
   c. W on 12/31/__.

ANNUAL PLAN ‑ Time dated Goals for 20__

A year of ____________________

1. ABC
   a. Do x by March 31.
   b. Go to y by June 30.
   c. Have a z monthly.
2. DEF
   a. Do u weekly.
   b. Visit v for Christmas.
   c. W each day.

This can run as few or as many pages as appropriate. The source for the objectives is the goal pages of the plan. You need not list every goal in every year. When you have an idea, act on it and record it as a goal. Then give it time to incubate. Serendipity allows you to change anything at any time. It is your plan.

This is the "one percent vision" that Thomas Edison spoke about. The "99 percent perspiration" is what it takes to get to accomplish a big goal.

Exercise #12:  Evaluation.

Is your plan working?  The only way to find out is to evaluate it regularly. At the start you may wish to refer to it often. Carry a copy that you can review at least monthly. Your goal statements will be positive affirmations, noting not where you are, but where you want to be. They will help you keep focused. Seven is still a wide scope of activity, so you may not be able to make progress on all fronts. Priorities may change as you go along. That's OK. With a three‑ring notebook, you can move things about without renumbering. Keeping the work on a computer will help with the maintenance as well.

On an index card, list those things you want to accomplish within the first six months. You may do this on a one, two or three month basis as well ‑ whatever works for you. Experiment. When you finish the six months you are likely to find that some objective goals have been completed, others have not. In fact you may have to make a special effort in order to get one done in the period. That's OK. The important thing is that you work on your highest priorities. Why?

The Pareto principle, formulated by a nineteenth‑century economist states that:  eighty percent of the value of a group of items is generally concentrated in only twenty percent of the items. Called the 80/20 rule, it can be observed in many parts of life. For a business, 80% of its orders may come from 20% of its clients. If you have a list of ten objective goals, you can accomplish 80% of your results by completing only two things on the list, as long as they are your highest priorities. That focus will make you effective and move you to achieving your goals.

Also, keeping a journal will help. A one page Insight Journal page is added in 2012.  That is a good place to keep your plan copy. Good luck. Please let me know how this worked for you and where it can be improved. This is set up for an individual. It could be done by a couple, a family, or members of a group or business.

Planning is a lot of work. You will improve your results, if only by not doing those things that are not contributing to the goals you really wish to achieve.

Keeping a journal is a valuable tool. Learn about that next.

Goal Continuation Sheet